commercial Tag

*champs on bit* *whinnies* Looky looky. Bristol's esteemed Big Chill Bar went and got a face-lift. And a name-lift. It is now The Small Horse. We szushed, shushzed, zoozshed, re-vamped some benches in Kirkby's Underground weaves (what terrific taste Small Horse supremo Rebecca has) and tarted up (that's a technical...

It feels like a VERY VERRRRY long time ago since we three Staple Sisters ensconsed ourselves in our freezing bracing sweatshop of a hovel workshop turning out what felt like a GABILLION (that is an accurate-ish estimate) seat pads for the fabulous routed ply armchairs, sofas...

*Smooths hair, picks lint off epaulettes, does dainty cough. So, like, we did some leather high stools for a VERY VERY VERRRRRRY fancy private dining room at (sotto voce) Cl*ridges (I think we've effectively respected their privacy with that single asterisk, yes?). . We did a fair amount of...

  Stitch No Evil, Staple No Evil, Hammer No Evil We made it through 2014. It got a bit hairy at the end, but WE MADE IT. It got proper busy. We collaborated with the mighty Russell on this f a b u l o u s...
