
Hello you lovelies. This is just a quick boring update to let you know that our workshop is basically closed for lockdown 3.0, except for drop-offs or pick-ups, all by arrangement only. We would LOVE to see your beautiful and mysterious (masked) faces, but only...

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Noting that my currency reserves, camping gaz cannisters and gold bars have dipped to a new low, it behoves me to flog, ahem, offer up for sale some workshop projects. The following bad boys are are all available via by the Tickety-Boo webshop, or else by...

In anticipation of the UK turning into something from Mad Max forging new relations with Malta the 'rest of the world', we are making room for barrels of olive oil, toilet paper, baked beans and air guns clearing some workshop space so we...

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  So, we had the pleasure of upholsterizing (technical term) some FANCY SCHMANCY (another technical term) pod booth type things down at Temple studios by Temple Meads. We knobbled our poor fingers doing some of our trademark deep buttoning in Warick fabrics' commercial short pile...

*massive drumroll and deafening crinkle of torn-open biscuit wrappers* Laydeez an Gennelmen, Bristol's finest not-actual-sisters upholstery combo, Staple Sisters, are proud to unveil their new and improved website. GASP at uncensored pictures of bare naked fabrics. MARVEL at an elaborate contact form. BE AMAZED at testimonials from folk who...

Upholstery is a DIRTY BUSINESS, brothers and sisters.  It's basically like The Sopranos, but without the guns. Or salami. Foams, adhesives, landfill, dyes, processing and, well, don't even get me started on leathers. We aim to re-use and recycle wherever we can (I still recall my...

*champs on bit* *whinnies* Looky looky. Bristol's esteemed Big Chill Bar went and got a face-lift. And a name-lift. It is now The Small Horse. We szushed, shushzed, zoozshed, re-vamped some benches in Kirkby's Underground weaves (what terrific taste Small Horse supremo Rebecca has) and tarted up (that's a technical...

It feels like a VERY VERRRRY long time ago since we three Staple Sisters ensconsed ourselves in our freezing bracing sweatshop of a hovel workshop turning out what felt like a GABILLION (that is an accurate-ish estimate) seat pads for the fabulous routed ply armchairs, sofas...

*Smooths hair, picks lint off epaulettes, does dainty cough. So, like, we did some leather high stools for a VERY VERY VERRRRRRY fancy private dining room at (sotto voce) Cl*ridges (I think we've effectively respected their privacy with that single asterisk, yes?). . We did a fair amount of...
