01 Apr Horseplay
Posted at 14:44h
in Uncategorized
*champs on bit*
Looky looky. Bristol’s esteemed Big Chill Bar went and got a face-lift. And a name-lift. It is now The Small Horse.
We szushed, shushzed, zoozshed, re-vamped some benches in Kirkby’s Underground weaves (what terrific taste Small Horse supremo Rebecca has) and tarted up (that’s a technical term) a Chesterfield and conjured up some magic curtains for upstairs.
I wish I could have a re-vamp. I certainly need a lick of paint. I’m not sure I could face a face-lift. Maybe I should just change my name. Name suggestions via the contact form, thanks. The winning suggestion gets a lump of reconstituted foam and a ginger nut.
*tosses mane and jumps over fence*